Tuesday, January 26, 2010

DAS BOOT (revised)

I was working on this post this morning but ran out of time before we went out:

"We made it until January 24th without getting kicked out of one spot, which is insane for Utah, not to mention ticket-free. Shoveling/setting up for an hour in -1 then getting the boot isn't sweet either way though. Rebate will be had. The next morning we decided to road trip out of Utah since it somehow snowed 7 feet in the mtns without snowing in the valley. The crew was Parker Duke, Ted Borland, Sean Black, & Brandon Hammid. We hopped in the truck & set off to a zone we knew of but ended up coming across a new gem.. basically the red Quebec ledge but in rail form. Don't think this thing will ever see half the tricks the ledge has seen though because the donkey is GNARLY. It was officially the 2nd longest session in my personal history coming in hot at 6 hours."

Now, 8 hours later, no longer ticket-free thanks to Park City PD. No shots. Definitely not going back to rebate the spot 2 blocks away. Oh well, Aspen better be fun is all I have to say.

Pre-session polaroid collage. Brandon has actually lost his mind.

Bunch of crap. Fragile.. must be Italian.

The crew. Not sure why Ted is so red?

Stopped at the ER to get Lucey's keys, who unfortunately broke his hand getting extreme.

Brandon made a quick snack stop to kill some time.

Too cold to capture the -1 temp. What is this, Ottawa?

Breakfast of champs, courtesy of Flying J.

Always something related to metal with this kid.

Tyrone Biggums.

Went from no snow to having to dig out stairs. Haven't done this in a year.

Looks like some underwater organism.

Jackie Tan with a make.

The angle.

Nice little sunset.

Sponsors. Setting up. Bummed. Satisfied (Cheesy Gordita Quesadilla Crunch).

Greetings earthling.

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