Sunday, January 20, 2008


While Eddie and everyone's out jet setting and exploring foreign cultures abroad (Michigan), I'm still at home and therefore probably not as cool as them. And it doesn't make me any cooler to admit that I've spent most of the time staring at computer screens. The weather's been groggy but the mountains are really filling up. With snow in the forecast for the entire upcoming week, Utah is loving it. I don't have any photos for you because I don't own a convenient little digital camera like every other goon in the world. Maybe one day they will stop coming out with new video cameras so I can muster up some cream for one of them bad boys. Until that time arrives, my blog posts will be delivered in spoken word and when you're lucky, an occasional surprise video clip. Since things haven't been working out with the ladies lately, I'm using my spare time to make a movie trailer for Guns Out. It's coming along fantastically. And before I let you go, the footy clip from my last blog post made the cut for Fuel TV! Or wait, well ok it was just on their website. Pretty rad. Thanks Adryan! Now that the video got all big time, I've chosen to take full credit for it. I was the one that let Sean use my camera so without me, there wouldn't have been a video. Sorry Sean. Here's the linker:

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