Monday, January 21, 2008


Falling off in the middle would be scary. Your arms almost touch both sides at the same time without spreading them. We got REALLY scared at one point.

Ring Pops are making a comeback.. only in 3d though.

Thanks to Tom Crowe's Forum/Foursquare/VZ/Nixon/Skullcandy/Element warehouse for the snacks when we made our pit stop. Actually I think all these Twizzlers & Animal Crackers were some dude named Eich's that hates when people eat his food? Sorry Eich, I got hungry.

What would life be like without Goost? Watermelon ice on the finger, fool.

Sean is unique. Especially when he gets a hold of the camera. Not sure which is more ridiculous.. this photo shoot or his rail garden video.

1 comment:

  1. what kind of jacket is the guy wearing in the second photo?
